› added 1 year ago


TIL Benzodiazepines were originally marketed in the 1960s for the relief of anxiety, stress and insomnia and became very popular with women of the time. The gendered cultural meanings of Valium, a well-known benzodiazepine, was cemented in the 1966 Rolling Stones’ song “Mother’s Little Helper”.

16OZ7 TIL Knabenschiessen is a shooting competition that has been held in Zurich since the 17th century and takes place on the second weekend in September. It is open to 13 to 17-year-olds and has been gender-neutral since 1991. Shooting takes place with the SIG SG 550 rifle on the Albisgütli.
GYXlE TIL Shel Silverstein, the children's book author, wrote the song, "A Boy Named Sue", which was then made popular by Johnny Cash
0wKpR TIL why rubbing an injury helps the pain. Nerves feel stretch (baro) temperature, pain, pressure. You can only feel one at a time. Pressure beats all in this game of rock, paper, scissors. When you cut yourself and squeeze the cut finger hard you feel the pressure but not the cut.
kJ7O1 TIL the first lethal use of a robot occurred in Dallas, Texas in 2016, following gunman Michael Johnson firing on a crowd and killing 5 police officers. After negotiations failed, police attached an explosive device to a bomb disposal robot, maneuvered it close to the suspect, and detonated it.
jKp TIL on July 18, 1984, a man walked into a crowded McDonald’s in San Ysidro, CA and began shooting, killing 21 people and injuring 19 more. The shooter had called a mental health center prior to the attack, but his message had not been returned.