› added 6 months ago


TIL that Goop, the wellness and lifestyle brand started by Gywneth Paltrow, sells a dildo made of 24 karat gold and stainless steel, at a price of $1,249 USD.

69YRZ TIL at the beginning of WWII some 2,500 generals served in the German armed forces. Many would wear their brightly colored and highly identifiable uniforms and vehicle insignia. This increased “personal battlefield lethality” and was a significant factor in debilitating the German war machine.
m1OOp TIL about the Submarine Cable Map, revealing the intricate network of undersea cables connecting countries worldwide.These hidden lifelines carry our digital data across oceans, making Internet literally possible. What's even more intriguing is how a handful of massive corporations own all of these.
rRge4 TIL in 2014 the President of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, banned lip syncing stating “One can see on tv old voiceless singers lip-synching their old songs. Don’t kill talent... create our new culture.” He also banned playing recorded music at all public events, on television and at weddings.
mxk7p TIL An Italian economics professor Guido Menzio's flight was delayed because while he was solving a differential equation on the plane, the woman seated next to him called a flight attendant and the pilot asked Menzio to get off the plane and was questioned by airport security.
N74rE TIL when Jim Carrey played Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon he was method acting. He did such a good job that when Andy Kaufman's sister visited the set, she believed Jim Carrey was a "vessel" which allowed Andy to communicate from beyond the grave and talk to his sister.