› added 7 years ago


TIL Vladimir the Great of Russia was confronted with the choice of converting Russia to Christianity or to Islam. He eventually chose Christianity, because of Islamic teaching on alcohol, saying, “Drinking is the joy of all Rus’. We cannot exist without that pleasure.”

rNGAd TIL Project A119, a top-secret plan developed in 1958 by the United States Air Force, the aim of which was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon as a show of force to the USSR. A young Carl Sagan worked on the project.
D1nyv TIL the Oolichan is a smelt-like fish that is so greasy -- with up to 15% of total body weight in fat -- that if caught, dried, and strung on a wick, it can be burned as a candle...thus it is also known as the "candlefish"
vPd17 TIL about "Theft by Conversion", which is a charge in some (or all) states where the suspect has taken something they were temporarily, and/or for a specific purpose, given, and kept possession of it beyond the agreed upon conditions. Example: Your friend loans you his car for a day and you keep it.
MeyxB TIL a Navajo blanket was appraised on PBS’s “Antiques Roadshow” for $500,000. After seeing the broadcast, a disabled man realized he had a similar blanket which had been sitting in his closet for 7 years. He took it to an auctioneer and its final bid was $1.5 million.
xV8wk TIL that Windows 95 included the music video for Weezer's hit single "Buddy Holly" to demonstrate the video capabilities of the operating system.