› added 2 years ago


TIL there's a percussion instrument called a "Quijada" or "Jawbone" made from the jawbone of cattle that gets its sound from teeth rattling when it's struck

Wk678 TIL when Halle Berry won a Worst Actor Razzie award for her role in Catwoman, she showed up in person to collect the award. She spoke while holding her Academy Award from Monster's Ball in one hand and the Razzie in the other.
v1v6B TIL the Japanese have a contrasting set of words for the true feelings one has deep down, and the behavior projected as a front that conforms with societal norms, that one can switch between in private and public settings
0wJYL TIL of Ingeborg Rapoport. In 2015, 74 years after being denied her Ph.D by the Nazis for being Jewish, she successfully defended her dissertation and received her doctorate from the University of Hamburg at the age of 102, making her the oldest person ever to receive one.
Aywl TIL there are Silent Discos out there, where there can be up to three different DJs spinning music at the same time, and everyone in the club can listen to any of the DJs through headphones. Observers without headphones would see a bunch of people dancing to silence.
j6Rnn TIL that Sharivari, the title of the 1981 proto-techno cult classic by A Number of names, refers to a European and North American folk custom designed to shame a member of the community. A mock parade would be staged through the settlement accompanied by a discordant mock serenade ("rough music").