› added 1 year ago


TIL KFC sent a painting to a guy of himself riding the Colonel piggyback while holding a drumstick for figuring out why they only follow the Spice Girls and 6 guys named Herb on Twitter

nW4vG TIL - The city of Memphis consumed more mashed potatoes of a certain company than any other American city, so 300,000 local addresses were sent free sample pouches in 2021. Also included was a donation of about 250,000 servings to the local food bank.
9YRem TIL about Smoky the dog, who was a Yorkshire dog found in New Guinea by an American Soldier during WWII and survived 150 Air Raids and once parachuted from 30ft in the air. She was later rewarded with Eight Battle Stars and was also the First Recorded Therapy Dog.
kOm95 TIL that veterinarians kill themselves at rates 2.5 to 3.5 times the general population, due in part to online trolling and threats from pet owners who blame them for the death of a pet, and easy access to lethal medicines
NXQKJ TIL about the birthday effect, a statistical phenomenon where an individual's likelihood of death appears to increase on or close to their birthday. It has been suggested that it is a statistics anomaly, but the birthday effect has been seen in studies that control for known anomalies.
XE8ED TIL WWII Japan's production of the famed Zero was hampered because the Mitsubishi factory in which they were made did not have its own airfield. Completed Zeros were hauled by oxen to an airfield 24 miles away. A shortage in feed supply starved the oxen, stranding newly made aircraft at the factory.