› added 10 months ago


TIL Frogs can’t vomit. If it eats something bad, it throw out its entire stomach. This is called full gastric eversion. The frog then wipes the stomach hanging out of its mouth with its front feet to remove any stray bits. Then it packs the whole thing back into its body.

PY6LL TIL British army members have a 50% lower mortality rate than the average population, primarily due to fitness requirements and high safety standards.
ADXVw TIL because American textbooks are sold at a lower price in Thailand, somebody was reselling them in the US and making enough of a profit to get sued by the publishers, the Supreme Court ultimately ruled against the publishers because the "first sale" doctrine applies everywhere, not just the US
Brx6D TIL that anybody, dead or alive, travelling into France requires a passport. In 1974, The Egyptian government had to issue a passport to Pharaoh, Ramesses II to transport his body to France for restoration. Eerily, his body also received full military honours when it arrived at the Paris airport.
9jLQ TIL Julia “Butterfly” Hill, on December 10, 1997, ascended 180 feet (55 m) up the redwood tree Luna to stave off Pacific Lumber Co. loggers who were clear-cutting. Hill lived on two 6-by-6-foot (1.8 by 1.8 m) platforms for 738 days until a resolution was reached with the logging company.
OoY87 TIL Zappos uses an organizational structure called holacracy, which removes traditional corporate hierarchy in favor of overlapping, self-governing "circles" to complete specific tasks.