› added 7 years ago


TIL that handwriting has declined so much that 1 in 3 respondents to a UK survey said they had not written anything by hand in the previous 6 months.

XV7R TIL The use of “Ace High” in cards symbolizes the replacement of the nobility by the common man, originating from the French Revolution.
AD5Wl TIL In 1986, two Pakistani brothers based in Lahore wrote one of the world’s first PC computer virus to protect their program from piracy. When the virus got to the hands of American researchers, it spawned an entirely new breed of software, the anti-virus program.
wLeYE TIL Steven Spielberg didn’t want to direct Indiana Jones because it was planned to be a trilogy and he didn’t want to write 2 more scripts. George Lucas told him not to worry as he’d already written them, but when time came for the first sequel, Lucas revealed he’d written nothing for either sequel.
wLdEP TIL about Gilbert Seltzer - a WW2 veteran who lead a secret platoon of men within a unit dubbed the 'Ghost Army'. Made up of artists, creatives & engineers, their job was creating deception about the enemy. From inflatable tanks to scripted bar conversations, this unit's work led to big US wins.
nWx7G TIL that Craig Hodges, one of the best NBA players of his generation and an outspoken activist, was blacklisted from the league after wearing a dashiki during a White House visit and giving Bush Sr. a letter criticizing his administration’s treatment of the poor and minorities