› added 9 years ago


TIL that Douglas Adams, author of the Hitchhiker’s guide was a guitarist and a friend of David Gilmour from Pink Floyd, and Adams played for Pink Floyd in their Earls Court concert in 1994. Adams played the guitar in the songs “Brain Damage” and “Eclipse”.

9YkoG TIL that praising a child’s intelligence may encourage them to only engage in low-risk tasks in which their intelligence won’t be challenged, as learning takes a backseat to praise-seeking. This can last throughout adulthood. For better results, praise them on their efforts instead.
E1xwd TIL In 1969 Forrest Parry, an IBM engineer, had the idea to affix magnetic tape to a plastic card. Every adhesive failed. He went home frustrated. His wife was ironing when he walked in. She suggested he fuse the tape onto the card with the iron. It was a success, and the magstripe card was born.
ey0b TIL an Air Canada flight in 1983 ran out of fuel mid-flight, but the crew managed to glide the 767 to nearby airport. The plane turned out to have only been filled with half the amount of fuel it needed due to a miscalculation because Canada was in the process of converting to the metric system.
D1ybD TIL that "Frasier", a 19-year-old sickly and feeble lion with a lolling tongue rescued from a Mexican circus in 1972, went on to sire 33 cubs by the protective lionesses who catered to him and brought him food at LA's Lion Country Safari.
R5Wp7 TIL the script used in the Coca-Cola logo is known as the Spencerian script, a popular style of handwriting in the United States in the late 19th century.