› added 9 years ago


TIL a British man spent three days pushing a Brussels sprout with his nose to the summit of one of the UK’s tallest mountains: “People definitely think I’m mad, and I’m beginning to think it myself.”

Ox8e TIL the gang named “Cribs” evolved into “Crips” when members began carrying around canes to display their “pimp” status. People in the neighborhood then began calling them cripples, or “Crips”
0wGBy TIL that Lucius Cincinnatus, a Roman statesman and military leader was given absolute power to rule the empire when it was attacked. After his victory, he immediately resigned his post as Dictator and went back to farming. The city of Cincinnati is named in his honor.
Rm68 TIL After Fighter pilot Thomas G. Lanphier, Jr. flew the longest interception mission of WWII to shoot down and kill the Admiral responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor, he broke radio silence to tell everybody “That son of a bitch will not be dictating any peace terms in the White House”.
rNYb4 TIL that Cee Lo Green sang backup vocals on TLC’s 1995 hit single “Waterfalls.” Cee Lo had just signed with the group’s record label, and joined in after hearing the recording session from a neighboring room in the studio.
QNgbe TIL on July 14, 1776, Daniel Boone’s 14-year old daughter Jemima and two other teen girls were kidnapped by a Cherokee-Shawnee raiding party. As the girls were being taken they tore off bits of their clothing to provide a trail. They were found 3 days later and safely returned.