› added 9 years ago


TIL that actor Jack Nicholson didn’t find out until his mid thirties that his “parents” were actually his grandparents and his “sister” was his mother

Z8j7Q TIL That when Ben Rea (UK) died in May 1988, he bequeathed his £7-million ($12.5-million) fortune to Blackie, the last surviving of the 15 cats he shared his mansion with. The millionaire antiques dealer and recluse refused to recognize his family in his will. He left his wealth to his cats.
8axDV TIL that during WWI, no foreign coaling stations were available to Germany, and its coast was blockaded. So the Germans outfitted a sailing ship as a commerce raider and disguised it as a Norwegian woodcarrier - it sailed past the British blockade and captured 15 ships over the next two years.
oRPrr TIL in the 1950’s statues depicting Christopher Columbus making an indigenous woman flinch on one side and Davy Crockett arresting an indigenous man in front of his family on the other were taken down from the US capital
p85y8 TIL that having more lifeboats on the Titanic would not have saved more lives. In fact, taking into account the amount of time they had to launch and the amount of crew there were, it’s actually incredible that they managed to launch as many as they did.
rRr0 TIL Craigslist makes its money by charging $25 for job postings in six of its largest U.S. markets, $75 for job listings in San Francisco, and by assessing a $10 fee for brokered apartment listings in New York City.