› added 9 years ago


TIL that in order to woo women drivers better and tailor a vehicle to their specific needs, Cadillac had their male executives drive around with paper clips on their fingertips, in order to simulate and cater to the “distinctly feminine experience of operating a vehicle with long fingernails.”

p8DD4 TIL of the so-called 'Sewing Circle'; an underground group of lesbian and bisexual Hollywood actresses alleged to have included Marlene Dietrich, Lili Damita, Dolores del Rio, Claudette Colbert and many others. The group would meet at each other's homes for 'lunch, conversation and possibilities'.
R76ml TIL space shuttles' main engines burn cryogenic propellant at ~3500K (hot enough to boil iron). They are fueled by cooling channels built-in to the nozzles themselves, which simultaneously cool the nozzle at a steady state while fueling the engine.
Me4mB TIL of Fish Odor Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria) - A condition in which a patient emits a foul odor, which resembles that of rotting fish. The disorder is caused by an inherited deficiency in a vital enzyme for the metabolism of trimethylamine, which is the compound responsible for the unpleasant odor.
N7O0N TIL George Washington was referred to in Algonquian as Conotocarious, a term meaning “Devourer of Cities”. He inherited the name from his great-grandfather, who ordered a massacre on five chieftains during a diplomatic parley in Bacon’s Rebellion.
MeDLK TIL That the funny bone (ulnar nerve) is the largest unprotected nerve in the body.