› added 6 years ago


TIL of the Children’s Crusade, in 1212 an unofficial crusade took place in which Nicholas of Cologne attempted to lead ~30,000 children to the holy land. They later found a fleet of boats willing to give them free passage to the Levant. The sailors ended up selling the children as slaves in Africa.

Oddg TIL that Thomas Paine, one of America’s Founding Fathers, said all religions were human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind … only 6 people attended his funeral.
jNBkX TIL A new school textbook that aims to teach boys how to be "masculine" men has been released in China. Called "Little Men," the book covers the differences between boys and girls, the importance of the father-son relationship as well as the importance of interacting with nature and managing money
R55N9 TIL that the billionaire Jon Jiang produced Empires of the Deep, a $130-million fantasy film with his girlfriend as a main character. The movie had a chaotic production involving 5 successive directors and 10 writers, was completed in 2010 but failed to find distribution, and remains unreleased.
rNwWW TIL that there is a new drug in Japan that regenerate lost teeth.
xVbAb TIL There are hardly any publishing houses devoted to African languages while prizes given to promote African literature have the condition that the writers don’t write in African languages. South Africa is one of the few countries where publishers are committed to publishing African languages