› added 7 years ago


TIL programmers for Atari in the late 70s went to the CEO of the company asking for royalties and their names be included on the boxes, when he turned them down they went and formed their own company – Activision

x69BD TIL during making of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan's actor Roger Clark was told that he had to do the horse lines again because "It’s a little too intimate. It sounds like you’re not talking to a horse". After hearing the recording back, the actor agreed to redo the lines.
1D8P TIL that the Hindu religion states that science only offers a limited view of reality, but all it offers is right and correct, meaning that the religion by it’s nature cannot contradict science, leading to the the majority of even highly religious Hindus accepting evolution as fact.
BgXRL TIL about Internet Group Suicide - a common thing in Japan in the early 2000's. The phenomenon of committing suicide with a group of random people who met on online forums
bjk9 TIL that the MLB away uniforms are grey for a reason. At the turn of the century the away teams didn’t normally have access to laundry facilities on the road, thus stains were not noticeable on the darker grey uniforms as opposed to the white uniforms worn by the home team.
0D7N TIL that during the Japanese invasion of China, two soldiers challenged each other to kill 100 people using only a sword. Since both surpassed 100 in the heat of battle without a clear winner, they decided to raise the challenge to 150 people.