› added 6 years ago


Space is not empty, nor is it silent. While technically a vacuum, space nonetheless contains energetic charged particles, governed by magnetic and electric fields, and it behaves, unlike anything we experience on Earth. In regions laced with magnetic fields, such as the space environment surrounding our planet, particles are continually tossed to and fro by the motion of various electromagnetic waves known as plasma waves. These plasma waves, like the roaring ocean surf, create a rhythmic cacophony that — with the right tools — we can hear across space.

ADxXo TIL of the Talheim Death Pit, a mass grave dating to 5000BC, containing the remains of 34 bodies, bearing some of the earliest evidence of habitual warfare, including fatal adze, axe and arrow wounds to the back of the head. It has been suggested that this site represents an early form of genocide.
mdKo TIL that the average age of NASA engineers at the time of Apollo 11 was 28. Nowadays it’s 47
l4GN TIL in 1939 German health establishments were told to survey their patients for certain conditions. Believing it a prelude to a labor draft many overstated their patient’s disabilities hoping to protect them. It was really part of Aktion T4, a eugenics-based murder scheme with a 5-figure body count.
epnMb TIL the “New York, New York” song sung by Frank Sinatra was actually a cover song! The original was released by Liza Minnelli in 1977
1aAVD TIL that garlic powder should be rehydrated before being used, rather than being added directly to a meal