› added 6 years ago


TIL That James Earl Jones “once” used a CB radio to talk to truckers in his Darth Vader voice and used Darth as his handle. He stopped because the truckers “totally freaked out.”

nWvvW TIL mosquitoes can't transmit HIV because, Only saliva is injected into humans when a mosquito bites and thus HIV positive blood that a mosquito may have previously ingested is never transmitted to other humans.Imagine what would happen if its snout structure isn't built that way.
rRP40 TIL Wendy's is the only fast food chain in the U.S. that has never used sesame seed buns, making it the the go-to restaurant for many sesame allergy sufferers (the 9th most common food allergy)
rR090 TIL the German armed forces have the concept “inner guidance”, which obliges every citizen-soldier to think for themselves. Soldiers may disobey orders against their conscience and it officially traditionalizes the actions of the July-plot conspirators, like Claus von Stauffenberg.
BgJRW TIL that U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, known as a prankster, liked to frighten visitors to his ranch in Johnson City, Texas, by leading them on a raid in his Amphicar, directly into the lake on his property, while shouting that its brakes were malfunctioning.
e0Ywk TIL that English cricket great Denis Compton was renowned for his absent-mindedness. He once arrived at a match without his kitbag, so he used an antique bat from the stadium's museum; and during a major celebration in honour of his 70th birthday, his mother rang, telling him that he was only 69