› added 4 years ago


TIL that besides the common fact that lobsters pee from their head, female lobsters will pee at the den of a potential mate to beguile them into letting her move in. Once she trusts the male lobster, she will shed her shell and her pouch containing sperm from a previos mate.

ADJe7 TIL: about The Battle Of Blair Mountain - the largest labor uprising in United States history and the largest organized armed uprising since the American Civil War. For five days from late August to early September 1921, some 10,000 armed coal miners confronted 3,000 police and strike-breakers.
gMNv8 TIL: There is a psychological state called “helper’s high” whereby giving produces endorphins in the brain that provide a mild version of a morphine high. Research has shown that helping others lights up the same part of the brain as receiving rewards or experiencing pleasure.
J1B8m TIL the Iowa Writer’s Workshop was used to fight communism abroad and domestically from the 1940s through the 1970s, and received substantial funding from the CIA to do so.
wLg7P TIL that Blas de Lezo, a Spanish admiral, defeated an English fleet of almost 20,000 men and 180 ships with only 2000 men and 6 ships.
e1Wb TIL that in 1974 fundamentalist Christians in Kanawha County were so upset over “immoral” books like “Autobiography of Malcolm X” being introduced to local schools they dynamited a school, attacked school buses with shotguns, and planted a bomb at a school board member’s home.