› added 3 years ago


TIL in 2012, Jihadists armed with a sharpened crutch and explosives attempted to hijack a plane by telling passengers "anyone who stands up will die". They were successfully beaten into submission after a passenger yelled "Come on! Let's stand up and fight them". Two hijackers died.

N7JgN TIL the creator of "The Wizard of Speed and Time" (1988) also did the visual effects for the movie "Ghost" (1990)
Mepk7 TIL about the Great Papago Escape where twenty-five Germans successfully tunneled out of an Arizona POW camp near Phoenix. They built a raft, hoping to float their way down the Salt River, and eventually into the Gulf of California. Their plan failed when they learned the river was mostly dry.
yQG9w TIL UC Merced’s student population includes more than 73 percent who are the first in their family to attend college — double the national average and by far the highest of any UC campus. Nearly 55 percent of UC Merced’s students are Hispanic, and nine in 10 students receive financial aid
dGkd TIL that Bladerunner is so visually stunning partly because of the 1980 Hollywood Actors Strike, which gave the film’s Art Department and Designers an extra 3 months to improve and refine significantly their futuristic sets and props.
vPa7j TIL of Benjamin Lay who lived in Philadelphia in the 18th century. He was four feet tall, a hunchback, and lived in a cave. He created his own clothes to boycott the slave-labor industry and would not wear or eat anything made from the loss of animal life or by slave labor.