› added 2 years ago


TIL Mae Jemison, the astronaut (Endeavour), is also a dancer, chemical engineer, medical doctor, Cornell professor, and leader of the 100 Year Starship - with the goal to reach another solar system within 100 years

awyaM TIL the Chicken Ranch was the Oldest Continually Operating Whorehouse in the United States when it closed in 1973. - During the Great Depression the "house of ill repute" offered time with a "lady of the evening" in exchange for a chicken. [The brothel was listed on the tax rolls as a poultry farm.]
Z8Pbv TIL Superman co-creator Joe Shuster was born in Toronto and he had been greatly impressed by Toronto’s vitality and size. In creating the Metropolis skyline, Shuster drew on his fond memories of Toronto, which he continued to consider more beautiful than Cleveland, where he later lived
p8gPZ TIL in 1965 when Gatorade was invented at the University of Florida, the football coach wouldn't let researchers experiment on the varsity team and only allowed testing on freshman (who couldn't play varsity by NCAA rule). And those players described it as tasting like urine or toilet bowl cleaner.
69ALQ TIL about the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), the most environmentally friendly form of pest control. Disease carrying insects, including mosquitoes and tsetse flies, are sterilized with radiation and released to mate with wild females, rendering their eggs useless.
6vQY TIL that “Strategy of Tension” is a tactic that aims to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions.