› added 2 years ago


TIL automobile industrialist Henry Ford was admired by Adolf Hitler for promoting anti-Semitic content, including The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, through his newspaper The Dearborn Independent, and the book The International Jew.

v19ar TIL that former Waffen-SS soldiers guarded Nazi War Criminals during the Nuremburg Tribunal. This was because the soldiers were Latvian conscripts and did not choose to become soldiers out of their own free will, thus clearing their names and allowing their skills to continue to be put to use.
4X10w TIL that when filming Forrest Gump, director Robert Zemeckis sent set designers to his old college so Forrest's dorm could look just like the one Zemeckis stayed in.
xvok TIL that whenever German victories were announced on the radio in occupied Denmark, the Danish Resistance would cut into the broadcast and play “It Ain’t Necessarily So” from Porgy and Bess.
gpk9 TIL Blue Raspberry was created for use in snow cones due to concerns over FD&C Red No. 2 dye; the research that deemed it safe had been sponsored by the companies producing the dye. The artificial flavor we know as raspberry was primarily created from banana, cherry, and pineapple esters (essences).
e09bD TIL about "Vibration white finger" also known as "hand-arm vibration syndrome". A secondary form of Raynaud's syndrome that's triggered by continuous use of vibrating hand-held machinery. Fingers and parts of the hand turn white due to prolonged vibration exposure.