› added 4 years ago


TIL The sunfish can grow as big as a pickup truck and can carry up to 40 kinds of parasites. They let cleaner fish feast on the parasites. But some of the toughest parasites need to be removed by seagulls. The seagulls surgically cut into the fish's flesh to eat the most stubborn of parasites.

5DNQ TIL for a small fee movies could license the name “National Lampoon” on a one-time basis even if National Lampoon didn’t help produce the film.
no5d TIL That Monty Python and the Holy Grail was funded by Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Elton John and Chrysalis Records, who were all looking for ways of creating tax losses.
6KxW TIL early printing presses used the letter “y” for the Middle English letter thorn (þ). “Ye” (definitive article), as in “ye olde”(pronounced “the old”), became commonplace, which contributed to the transition of “ye”(noun) to “thou” to avoid confusion, which eventually lead to “thou” to “you”.
d8bgd TIL in the 1970's after the popularity of Bruce Lee films, nunchucks were made illegal in many countries including the U.S. They were (incorrectly) believed to be extraordinarily dangerous and still remain illegal to possess in CA and MA. NY's nunchuck ban was ruled unconstitutional in 2018.
gMjb9 TIL that Late last year, the Army launched an accelerated effort into training and equipping 26 of its 31 active combat brigades to fight in large-scale subterranean facilities that exist beneath dense urban areas around the world.