› added 4 years ago


TIL actor Jim Carrey wrote a fictitious autobiography that includes Chinese conspiracies, faking versions of celebrities, hallucinogenic dialogues, battling aliens with Gwyneth Paltrow and dressing up before going to bed as he’s afraid of selfies taken at the morgue if he dies in his sleep.

EgxMX TIL that scientists managed to virtually reconstruct the destroyed planetary system of the star WD 1145+017 by analysing the debris field around the star. Giving birth to the field of astronomy dedicated to studying destroyed planets known as Necroplanetology.
V4lp TIL of a mental disorder called Misophonia, meaning “Hatred of Sound”. When triggered by sounds or sights such as chewing, reactions range from discomfort to physical violence. It is believed to share symptoms with Autism and PTSD, but isn’t medically recognized yet.
XE8e6 TIL of 16th century Korean Admiral Yi Sun-Sin. Although having no prior naval experience, he was undefeated at sea and never lost a single ship. In his most famous battle he commanded 13 ships against the Japanese's 330 and won, all whilst recovering from having been recently tortured.
nWorP TIL KitKat bars (UK version) grew overall by 29%, and Hershey's Milk Chocolate grew by 20% by 2015, compared to the same branded products in the 60s, but were at their largest/heaviest in the 2000s. As of 2015, Twix had shrunk, but Snickers and Mars had grown
pYnV8 TIL the producers of The Terminator (1984) were sued for plagiarism, by the writer of The Outer Limits (1964) due to an episode with a similar story.