› added 3 years ago


TIL Jack Hinson went on a killing rampage after his sons were decapitated and his farm set ablaze by union soldiers during the civil war, he hunted union officers and sniped around 100 people as revenge

mxevR TIL of Alexander of Abonoteichus, a roman era cult leader who made people believe a sock-puppet was a snake-god. He was so influential even the emperor joined his cult, and the few sceptics who opposed him were christians, epicureans and writer Lucian of Samosata, who tried to expose him as a fraud
78AdL TIL in 2021, a man at a convenience store in Pennsylvania placed $2 on the counter for a Mountain Dew that was priced at 2 for $3, and walked out. The price for one Mountain Dew, however, was $2.29. The man was charged with a felony, sent to jail on a $50,000 bond, and faced up to 7 years in prison
awlWy TIL German discount supermarket Lidl has failed to succeed in Norway, although being successful in other places. They left in 2008 after 4 years. Reasons stated for the failure are Norwegians not liking the foreign food, treatment of workers in other countries and money going out of the country.
BgxNk TIL That old methods of cataract surgery involved somebody sucking it out with a hollow needle.
E5Nd TIL that mustard gas led to chemotherapy. During a World War II air raid, German pilots hit an American ship which had a secret stockpile of mustard gas. Doctors noticed that the gas suppressed cell division, which could fight cancer.