› added 7 years ago


TIL in 2009 a pigeon named Winston raced Telkom, South Africa’s largest ISP, to see who could deliver 4GB of data to a location 60 miles away the fastest. By the time Winston arrived with the 4GB flash drive, Telkom had transmitted only 4% of the data.

0dMJL TIL Colombia grows 80% of the roses sold in the US, along with many other kinds of flowers for export.The country is now the world’s second largest exporter of flowers, and the industry, which employs about 130,000 Colombians, is the leading source of jobs for women in Colombia.
nW6Zd TIL that in AFL football the longest kick in history was 98 metres (107 yards) kicked by Albert Thurgood. It’s apparently hotly debated though with Fred Fanning allegedly kicked 105.5 metres (116 yards). This all happened before 1950!
wowJ TIL the security guard who discovered a pipe bomb at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, alerted police, and helped evacuate the area was later considered a suspect by the FBI and presumed guilty by the media. He was exonerated when a homegrown terrorist confessed nine years later.
R7by4 TIL of the New Zealand Black Robin that went from extinct to threatened after scientists found 6 males and 1 female on a rocky island isolated from introduced predatory species. today there are hundreds of Black Robins.
vgp8 TIL A North Carolina man owns the only known recording of Super Bowl I, as CBS and NBC didn’t save it. The NFL countered his $1 million offer for the taping with $30,000, then later refused to buy it at all, yet warned him he’ll face legal action if he sells it to anyone else.