› added 3 years ago


TIL that Rod Serling, creator of The Twilight Zone, sold the series as a pure entertainment vehicle due to censorship he experienced with previous projects that would delve into controversial social/political issues. The Twilight Zone tackled the same issues but veiled in science fiction and fantasy

8aKO4 TIL of The Essex, an American ship which was attacked by a sperm whale in 1820. The 20-man crew set out in the surviving life boats for several months, resorting to drawing lots to decide who would be sacrificed and consumed. 8 men survived. The story was the inspiration for the novel 'Moby Dick'.
1aRbW TIL Zoroastrian funerals involve a ritual called sagdid (dog-sight). A dog was brought in before the body. If the dog stares steadily at the body, the person is still alive. If it doesn't look at the body, death is confirmed. This was useful in ensuring that a coma was not being mistaken for death.
ErAd TIL Chris Evans starred in a Korean film called Snowpiercer. Harvey Weinstein acquired the US release rights but refused unless major edits were made. Director Bong Joon-ho stood by his version and with the help of American fans was able to release his uncut version, resulting in a box-office hit.
GveE TIL Ted Turner, founder of Turner Broadcasting, donated $1 billion to the UN, called observers of Ash Wednesday “Jesus freaks,” Christianity a “religion for losers,” opponents of abortion “bozos,” and advocates a one-child policy for the USA.
Eem7 TIL that we have pictures of all the US presidents going back to Quincy Adams, leaving just the first five unphotographed.