› added 6 years ago


TIL after being thrown from his horse, jockey Ralph Neves was pronounced dead, brought to the morgue, injected with adrenaline to the heart, jumped up, returned to the racetrack, and demanded to be allowed to ride the rest of his mounts that day.

BrQDe TIL a town bully was killed in Skidmore & 40+ people witnesses it but claimed they saw nothing. “ I can’t think of anyone who’d seen it (the shooting) feel any different than you would about the people who invented penicillin. Nobody tried to hang them for finding a way to kill a germ,” said one.
wLKy7 TIL astronaut Gus Grissom named the Gemini 3 Molly Brown, in the hope that it wouldn't sink after splashdown. NASA didn't like it and asked him to change the name, to which he replied, "How about the Titanic?" NASA relented, but this was the last time astronauts were allowed to name their capsule.
YpNx7 TIL Some airplane cushions have charcoal filters in them to stealthily hide farts due to the change in air pressure
GY9B1 TIL during WWII, Admiral William Halsey sailed the US Third Fleet through a category 2 typhoon, causing three destroyers to capsize, 790 lives lost and 146 airplanes damaged beyond repair. In 1945, Halsey tried yet again to sail into another typhoon, this time losing 75 planes and 6 lives.
Y7k0B TIL that in 2001, during the canonization process of Mother Teresa, the Catholic Church called upon prominent atheist Christopher Hitchens to formally challenge her sainthood before them.