› added 4 years ago


TIL actor Paul Giamatti’s father Angelo Giamatti was a Yale University professor and then Yale University president. He was also the 7th (and shortest-tenured) commissioner of the MLB, dying of a heart attack at 51

Yp4ov TIL during the Korean War, a cut-off Marine Division ordered a supply drop of mortars (code name: tootsie rolls) but were sent the chocolate candy by mistake. They melted the candy down to a putty and used it to repair piping on damaged tanks, which they then used to escape to safety
Awrn TIL the Walton Family has donated only 2% of their income to charities. Compare this to Bill Gates at 48% and Warren Buffet at 78%.
ZARa TIL that the red, white, and blue stripes on a barbers pole represent arterial blood, bandages, and venous blood respectively. This is due to the fact that barbers used to perform minor surgeries as well as grooming services.
e0Mr4 TIL There's a French war song, the "Song of the Onion" which goes "I love the onion when it's fried with oil, I love the onion when it's good [...] But no onions for the Austrians." which originated when Napoleon commended his soldiers for eating onions before the Battle of Marengo.
kOkX1 TIL that Sergio De Simone, a 7 yo child, was deported in 1944 to Auschwitz and was then sent to Neuengamme camp to be experimented on by nazi doctors (under the promise to see his mother again). He was murdered in 1945 with other 20 kids so that the Allies would not find proof of what was going on.