› added 4 years ago


TIL President Jimmy Carter was in Mexico City on Valentines Day, 1979. At the opening ceremonies in Mexico City, Carter remarked that he could not "imagine a more appropriate day" for Mexico and the United States to meet "and to express the feelings that the people of my country have towards yours"

N7ZZJ TIL in 1956, the American Legion hall in Roanoke, Virginia spontaneously desegregated during a Fats Domino concert, where approximately 2,000 whites, crowded on an undersized balcony, migrated to the main (blacks only) dance floor.
BrG6W TIL Hugh Thompson Jr., a US Army Major, helped ended the My Lai Massacre with his helicopter crew including Glenn Andreotta and Lawrence Colburn. They were remembered and revered in Vietnam with their depiction in the short Vietnamese film "The Sound of the Violin in My Lai".
4X8b5 TIL Japan banned beer vending machines from public sidewalks, not to prevent public drunkenness or sales to minors but because liquor store owners didn’t like the competition.
YwMr TIL Stephen King gave a rave review of the film “The Evil Dead”, which helped convince New Line Cinema to serve as its distributor. King called it “most ferociously original film of the year,” which attracted the interest of critics who otherwise would likely have dismissed the low-budget thriller.
MeGZm TIL The first recognized example of a game machine was unveiled by Dr. Edward Uhler Condon at the New York World’s Fair in 1940. The game,based on the ancient mathematical game of Nim, was played by about 50,000 people during the six months it was on display and the computer winning 90% of the games