› added 6 years ago


TIL while assisting displaced Vietnamese refuge seekers, actress Tippi Hedren's fingernails intrigued the women. She flew in her personal manicurist & recruited experts to teach them nail care. 80% of nail technicians in California are now Vietnamese—many descendants of the women Hedren helped

PYxLJ TIL The band blink-182 officially named their holding company Poo Poo Butt Inc. "We did it because it was the most immature, dumbest thing ever," DeLonge said. "We thought it would be funny to have our accountants, managers and attorneys having to say that over the phone every day.”
Rdb8 TIL: In January 2012, 150 employees of Foxconn, Taiwanese technology company and contract manufacturer for products including the iPhone, iPad and Playstation 4, threatened to commit mass suicide in protest of their working conditions
VM0Gm TIL in 1830 George Wilson was convicted of robbing a postal carrier and sentenced to hang. He was pardoned by Andrew Jackson. He refused the pardon. The Supreme Court ruled that a pardon could not be forced on him. So they hanged him.
1a9QX TIL that Alan Moore wrote Rorschach in 'Watchmen' to be Batman in the real world but didn't realize that 'smelling' and 'not having a girlfriend' would come off as heroic to comic fans. "Fans come up and say I'm Rorschach. This is my story and I'm thinking, Could you never come near me again?"
rR7Jx Today I learned about Ossip Bernstein, a famous chess master who escaped the firing squad by winning a game of chess.