› added 4 years ago


TIL that countries attempting to exert influence over elections abroad is not a new thing: the country with the most attempts to influence foreign elections is reported to be America.

R76B7 TIL While researching service dogs for a novel, Dean Koontz was so taken with Canine Companions for Independence he made donations totaling $2.5 million. As a gift, CCI gave him a serivce dog, which he named Trixie. Trixie Koontz became his pen name when he writes books from a canine perspecitve.
p8154 TIL a disgruntled game dev student made a hilariously terrible animation of a dancing bear as a protest that he learned nothing from an animation class, by only utilizing techniques taught in the class. It became a meme after a friend uploaded it to youtube; he also got an A
Z866v TIL when Gandhi's wife came down with pneumonia, he denied her penicillin, even though doctors said it would cure her; he insisted the new medicine was an alien substance her body should not take in. She died from it in 1944. Just years later, he took quinine to treat his own malaria. He survived.
Y77Kd TIL that NASA planned to send astronauts to Mars in 1981 using Nerva nuclear rockets but congress cut NASA's funding and Nixon cancelled the Nerva project entirely in 1973, causing Nasa to focus on the development of the Space Shuttle instead
YpZlG TIL - Two nuns teaching at a California Elementary School embezzled approximately $500,000 from their employer over a ten year period to fund their trips and casino visits. No charges are being pursued.