› added 6 years ago


TIL of the philosopher Karl Popper's "paradox of tolerance" which states: "If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

7rpZb TIL about "one of the biggest companies you've never heard of". Acxiom gathers information on some 700 m people, with up to 1,500 data points per person, for ultra targeted marketing. Down to the list of people who buy particular brands of cereal in your local supermarket.
VKb4 TIL - With 25 billion hours (2.85 million years) of total game play, people have played Call of Duty for longer than the course of human existence.
Eg6k0 TIL: The defunct bank Wachovia laundered $378.4 billion between 2004 - 2007 for the Mexican and Colombia Cartels. They had to forfeit $110mil and were only fined $50mil.
p8LZ8 TIL screenwriter Carl Foreman (High Noon) was blacklisted for communist activity. In the face of intense industry all Foreman's colleagues abandoned him expect for Gary Cooper. In gratitude, Foreman gave Cooper first refusal on his future scripts including, The Bridge on the River Kwai.
ADyEl TIL That in 1762, Benjamin Franklin had a hollow walking stick created that could secretly hold ~1 pint of oil in it. When the head of the stick was pushed down, it would release oil from the bottom. He did this to trick his friends into thinking he had the power to calm waves in troubled waters.