› added 7 years ago


TIL that Ajax, the brand of cleaning products, got its name from the hero Ajax in Greek mythology, which is arguably “stronger than Greece”. The slogan of Ajax, the brand, is “Stronger than grease!”

dDy0d TIL a study from Yale found that kids who watched 'Mr. Rogers Neighborhood' retained more information than children who watched 'Sesame Street.' They also had a higher 'tolerance of delay', meaning they were more patient
Yp65v TIL in 1993, an FBI agent in a gorilla suit helped catch Mexican zoo officials who were attempting to smuggle primates from America to Mexico illegally. The five people that were caught were charged with trafficking primates in violation of federal laws protecting endangered species.
QVpp TIL in 2009, the home of 19 year old Kashmiri woman Rukhsana Kausar was invaded by 3 militants. Rakhsana disarmed two of them with an ax, killed the commander with his own rifle, and forced the others to flee. She was subsequently awarded India’s National Bravery Award and offered a police job.
VBJP8 TIL American rapper, Cordozar Calvin Broadus Jr, got his “Snoop Dogg” nickname from his mother because she thought he looked like Snoopy from the Peanuts cartoon.
Ood7L TIL while filming a 170 foot waterfall in the movie Apocalypto, a cow was trying to cross upstream and went over the falls. It emerged at bottom, banging against the rocks, but after a local man swam in to calm the cow it then climbed up the bank and began eating grass as if nothing had happened.