› added 11 years ago


TIL The Act of Habeas Corpus 1679 was only just passed . When the votes were counted, there were not enough Lords in favour, so it was decided that one of the Lords, because he happened to be fat, was worth ten votes. It started as a joke, but remains on the statute books to this day.

kevE TIL that critic Michael Crowley gave such a poor review of one of author Michael Crichton’s books, that Crichton made a character ‘Mick Crowley’ in his next book, who was a child molester with a small penis.
Eg6r7 TIL that the Michael Myers mask used in “Halloween II” (1981) was the same Myers’ mask from the first film, but differs in appearance because producer Debra Hill, a chainsmoker, stored it under her bed for three years. The new Michael Myers actor also had a stockier build than the original one.
JYOyQ TIL Locals in Cornwall created an imaginary beach to deal with overcrowded beaches. Fake signposts were put up all over the county leading to the 'Best Beach In Cornwall," however the signs actually diverted tourists in the opposite direction from any of the coasts.
KOyDQ TIL that in ancient Rome, giving fellatio was seen as a disgusting, shameful act, while receiving it wasn't. So sometimes petty crimes were solved by punishing the criminal through forcing him/her to perform fellatio on the victim of the crime, instead of taking the case to court.
yAlM TIL Roald Dahl, author of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and other famous children’s novels, was also a renowned Adult Fiction author, even having written for Playboy.