› added 3 weeks ago


TIL there are depictions of Knights engaging Snails in battle drawn in the margins of late 13th century medieval written works like song & prayer books, & even papal letters. They include man-sized snails, snails hovering in mid air, & man/snail hybrids ridden by rabbits. Their origins are a mystery

xDvk TIL in 1961, the captain of a ship named “Bluebelle” killed all its passengers except a young girl who he left for dead in the ship he scuttled, the girl was able to escape and drifted for four days on sea before rescued, the captain later committed suicide upon learning of her survival.
b9Doj TIL that in 1909, a Jewish man named Jules Fisher took over a Filipino shrimping village in the bayous of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. In time, he would become the president of the parish, a state senator, and an affiliate of Huey Long before dying in office at age 69.
aw5L TIL Alexander the Great expressed in his last will and testament the desire to see “transplant of populations from Asia to Europe and in the opposite direction from Europe to Asia, in order to bring the largest continent to common unity and to friendship by means of intermarriage and family ties.”
Mnom TIL a man staying in an inward-looking hotel room at Rogers Centre (Toronto) was caught masturbating during a baseball game in full view of the stands, thinking the windows were one-way. Patrons must now sign contracts stipulating that they will not perform lewd acts within view of the stadium.
D1WkV TIL about Florida stone crabs that are caught in traps, the claw ripped off and the crab tossed back into the ocean to grow a new claw.