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TIL Rufio's line "you're dead, Jolly man" was mouthed in reverse in the movie Hook because that scene was filmed in reverse to allow the sword movements to be extra sharp

W1XX TIL that gray whales mating ritual involves a third “male escort” whale courting the female. Although the male escort equally vies for her attention, there is absolutely no aggression between the males. The birthing ritual, on the other hand, involves a second female whale assisting the mother.
ObYR TIL that a “fossil word” is a word that is generally obsolete but remains in use because it is part of an idiom. For example, amok as in “run amok”, or turpitude as in “moral turpitude”.
9YdLp TIL of Pēteris Lapainis. A soldier who served in Russian imperial army, Soviet armed forces, Latvian army and German military. He fought in both world wars and received multiple high-ranking awards from each army he served. After second world war he spent 20 years in Soviet captivity.
4xno TIL If you know multiple languages, you’re better able to control your reactions and focus in unexpected or new situations. This makes you better in handling the flow of information, thus affecting logic and decision-making.
wl81 TIL a 2009 Oxford study on SSRIs found that SSRI antidepressants caused almost all participants to feel less empathy, sympathy, and positive emotions. Some reported feeling suicidal due to the SSRI emotional numbness and one began to self-harm in an effort to feel emotion.