› added 7 months ago


TIL "30% chance of rain" doesn't mean that 30% of the area will get rain or it'll rain for 30% of time. It is multiplication of confidence and area. For ex if a forecaster is 50% confident that 50% of the area will receive rain then the forecast would read "a 25% chance of rain" for given location.

xVxL5 TIL NBC executives hated the script for the Seinfeld episode, 'The Chinese Restaurant', and only agreed to allow it to be filmed after co-creator Larry David threatened to quit. It is now considered a ground-breaking episode of TV, and the best example of Seinfeld's 'show about nothing' premise
wLlyo TIL That actor Russell Crowe fronted a rock band. 30 Odd Foot of Grunts originated in the 1980s, releasing one EP and three full lengths by 2003.
N7Z4M TIL that double-barreled bolt action rifles exist. They have two triggers, one for each barrel. With just one movement of the bolt, both spent cartridges come out and fresh ones are loaded in.
woYkE TIL that the fundamentals of modern computer programming were conceived by six women who worked on the first digital computer, ENIAC, in the 1940s. The techniques they created are still used widely today, but the women were not recognised for their work for decades.
9YAVm TIL the loss of the Great Library of Alexandria wasn’t a great loss of historical texts. The majority of the library’s scrolls had been copied for libraries in Persia, Byzantium, and Iraq; Its believed the study of these texts helped form universities through Europe in the Early Middle Ages