› added 8 months ago


TIL New Mexico was named before the country of Mexico. As early as 1561, Spanish colonial explorers used el Nuevo México to refer to Cíbola, cities of wealth reported to exist far to the north of the recently established New Spain. It became the New Mexico Territory and the state of New Mexico.

ANYWa TIL Senator Strom Thurmond had a child out of wedlock named Essie Washington-Williams who was black. She revealed herself as his daughter after his death at the age of 100. She tried to join the 'Daughters of the Confederacy', as she was eligible through her father's ancestry, but she was rejected.
ejRg TIL the origin of the piggy bank, which started in the Middle Ages with the material used to make storage jars for coins: an orange clay called “pygg.” Through language evolution and cultural overlap, English potters were asked to make pygge banks, so they started making them in the shape of pigs.
N719E TIL that when 16th century Russian church services grew enormously long, rather than eliminate any part of the ceremony, the church opted to save time by performing up to six parts of the service simultaneously. This led to absurd situations where numerous cantors were shouting over each other.
Vr0k TIL The Navy contacted the Village People to use “In the Navy” in an advertising campaign for television and radio. They gave the rights to the song for free on the condition that the Navy help them shoot the music video. The Navy provided them with a warship, several aircraft, and plenty of seamen
kJJ65 TIL that getting goosebumps triggers new hair growth. They cause hair to rise in the short term and trigger more hair growth in the long term.