› added 7 years ago


TIL that Nike’s pitch to Stephen Curry was so poorly executed that one of the PowerPoint slides still had Kevin Durant’s name on it from a previous presentation. It was after this that Curry went on to sign with Under Armour.

b9kmZ TIL that a con man tricked Al Capone out of $5,000. He got Capone to give him $50,000 to invest in a scam. After 2 months, he returned it. He told Capone that the scam had fallen through, and he had no money left to support himself. Capone, stung by his honesty, gave him $5,000 to “tide him over”.
7rBwO TIL that Theodosia Burr Alston, daughter of U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr, disappeared mysteriously at sea in 1812. At age 29 she sailed from Georgetown, South Carolina, aboard the Patriot. The ship and everyone on board was never seen again.
nWjgP TIL that DFIA (prev. Munchausen by proxy) is one of the most lethal forms of child abuse, with a 6-10% child mortality rate; 25% of siblings of FDIA child victims were also found to be deceased. The only known treatment is separating child from the abusive caregiver, and caregivers rarely improve.
LwPP TIL a 14 karat gold LEGO brick was given out in the early 1980s to employees who had worked at the Germany LEGO factory for over twenty-five years. They are valued at $14,500.
6EgJQ Jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen and helium gas. So, trying to land on it would be like trying to land on a cloud here on Earth. There's no outer crust to break your fall on Jupiter. Just an endless stretch of atmosphere. The big question, then, is: Could you fall through one end of Jupiter and out the other? It turns out, you wouldn't even make it halfway.