› added 8 years ago


TIL that cargo ships leave the equivalent of contrails along their route that can be seen from space. Water molecules accumulate on pollutants coming from the exhaust of ships which essentially seeds clouds. These clouds are known as ship tracks.

KOnOB TIL that comedian Pete Davidson’s father, Scott Davidson, was a New York firefighter who died on September 11th, 2001 when entering the World Trade Center towers. He was last seen entering the ground floor of the WTC Marriott to help victims who had been trapped by the first crash.
BgvgK TIL the only difference between white and yellow cheddar is the color
AN0od TIL that Video Game Arcades are niche and super rare in Germany. In the 1980s, the protections for minors became significantly stricter in relation to video game arcades. Arcade machines were dismissed as “games of chance” and underage access was and IS STILL denied.
8aG4P TIL that lyme disease was not as common in the past as it is now, and its prevalence is actually due to an explosion in the white-footed mouse population at the turn of the 20th century. This in turn coincides with the extinction of the mouse's primary ecological competitor: the passenger pigeon.
DXge TIL there was a computer worm that would gain access to Windows XP systems, download a patch from Microsoft to close the vulnerability that it used to infect the system, attempt to delete the infamous Blaster worm (if present) from the system, then delete itself.