› added 9 years ago


TIL in 1974, a then-unknown Queen performed at an Australian festival to a mean-spirited, drunken crowd. Before finishing, Freddie Mercury told them that Queen would be “one of the biggest bands in the world” the next time they visited. When they came back, they were at the top of the charts.

4knaw TIL North America almost broke apart but didn't and ended up with the largest non-sea rift in the world
LYWr TIL that a man accused of embezzling $8.7 million hid from law enforcement by hiking the Appalachian Trail for six years.
MeZaW TIL that in 2015 a Hezbollah cell was caught stockpiling ammonium nitrate in London
QJADM TIL the fork was once considered immoral, unhygienic and a tool of the devil.
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