› added 8 years ago


TIL there’s a medical condition called “Witzelsucht”, where a damage of the frontal lobe causes a tendency to make puns, or tell inappropriate jokes or pointless stories in socially inappropriate situations

neVBr TIL that the personality domain of "Openness to Experience" (which includes openness to new ideas, tolerance of different ways of life, and appreciation of art and music) is strongly associated with higher levels of intelligence
R5517 TIL that the Oscar Academy wanted to give Dead Man's Chest an award/nomination for make-up, not digital effects because they were fooled into thinking that Davy Jones was Bill Nighy wearing make-up and rubber tentacles. They had to convince them it was 100% CGI.
Eg0lx TIL that John F. Kennedy's patrol boat was rammed by a Japanese destroyer. After a 3-mile swim to an island, he and his crew survived on coconuts for 2 days. Rescued by two islanders, their message etched on a coconut shell became a paperweight on JFK's desk.
6jgw TIL that Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson visited the US in 1965 and made a speech criticizing American foreign policy; the next day, President Lyndon Johnson invited him to Camp David, grabbed him by the lapels, and said, “Don’t you come into my living room and piss on my rug.”
xVdXD TIL that Carl Newton Mahan was only 6-years-old when he shot and killed 8-year-old Cecil Van Hoose with a shotgun. He was convicted of manslaughter but his sentence was reversed because of his age. He remained free until his death at 35-years-old.