› added 7 years ago


TIL John McGroarty, a former Congressman from California, wrote a letter to a constituent in 1934 and said “One of the countless drawbacks of being in Congress is that I am compelled to receive impertinent letters from a jackass like you…Will you please take two running jumps and go to hell.”

b5Np TIL Onions are the only crop to be completely banned from trading futures in. In the 1950’s a man named Vincent Kosuga acquired so much power that at one point he controlled 98% of onions in America. Farmers and buyers were so angry that Eisenhower banned the entire market.
NXXEM TIL some experts believe Stonehenge was designed to line up perfectly with the sunrise on the summer solstice (21st June) as a symbol of fertility. The outer 'male' stone casts a phallic shadow that penetrates the inner stone circle and hits the recumbent ‘female’ altar stone.
OovBX TIL that despite being chocolate and cream cookies, Oreos are made from vegan ingredients, including pure cocoa (not milk chocolate) and "creme" made from soy, oil, and corn syrup.
oBWgo TIL in 1900, when submarines were being introduced to navies, Admiral Arthur Wilson called them underhanded, threatening to hang enemy sub crews as pirates. So, in 1914, when Max Horton commanded Britain's first sub engagement against the Germans, he ordered his crew to fly a Jolly Roger.
v1j7R TIL the "Sex Raft" was a 1973 experiment in which five men and six women of various religions, nationalities and social backgrounds drifted across the Atlantic on a raft for 101 days in order to study sexual and physical aggression. It produced little in the way of worthwhile scientific results