› added 7 years ago


TIL H. G. Wells created a tabletop-esque war game, in 1913, called “Little Wars; a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys’ games and books.” which can be read and downloaded via Project Gutenberg.

6Ebdm TIL: Sir James Brooke was a British soldier and adventurer, who founded the Raj of Sarawak in Borneo. Acquiring the title, "Sultanate of Sarawak" - following intervention in an uprising against the Sultan of Brunei. He ruled as the first White Rajah of Sarawak from 1841, until his death in 1868.
R70O7 TIL the preatorian guard held an auction for the roman emperorship. Didius Julianus,drunk from the night before had to be dragged from bed by his wife and daughter. He arrived late and was not allowed entry to the building the auction was taking place so he yelled his offer from outside. He won
WAR8 TIL “Sail” by AWOLnation is the only song to reach a new peak after spending more than a year on Billboard’s 100 chart. Since 2011, the song keeps generating sales due in large parts to viral video of wingsuits and cats, BMW commercials, Vikings and CW TV promos.
VMKkm TIL on March 27, 1977, Robina van Lanschot decided to not reboard her flight, staying at her layover destination, despite this being against the rules. She was the sole surviving passenger of KLM Flight 4805, which crashed into Pan Am Flight 1736 on takeoff, killing 583.
YLrx TIL 85% of all people will only read a headline (or title to a link) without clicking on the story to see if its accurate.