› added 8 years ago


TIL a homing pigeon called Cher Ami that saved the lives of 194 soldiers during WW1 by transporting a message. The pigeon was shot through the chest, blinded in one eye and had its leg hanging by a tendon upon arriving with the message.

yQNMJ TIL That Americans sought comfort TV after 9/11 and watched so much Food Network that the station had to restructure itself to appeal to a general audience. This led to the creation and subsequent rise of reality cooking shows like Chopped and Iron Chef USA.
69EO8 TIL The Halifax Explosion was the largest man made explosion in recorded history up until that point. Explosives were measured in “Halifaxes” afterward. The first atomic explosion was 10 Halifaxes.
XEnPR TIL in the summer of 2018 a man who flunked the London paramedic exams managed to infiltrate the paramedics' internal computer system and pose as a qualified paramedic. As a result he managed to respond to over 100 emergency calls before he was caught.
eORb TIL the name of the Crown Prince of Morocco is Hassan ibn Mohammed Al-Alaoui - Hassan bin Mohammed bin Hassan bin Mohammed bin Yousef bin Hassan bin Mohammed bin Abderrahmane bin Hisham bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Ismail bin Moulay Ali Charif
LQDaZ TIL The pink suit worn by Jacqueline Kennedy was not an actual Chanel suit. At a time when wearing clothes made in America was important for FLOTUS, it was made using materials supplied by Chanel in Paris. The outfit was a line-for-line copy from the New York shop Chez Ninon.