› added 10 years ago


TIL German scientist, Gerhard Domagk, developed the antibacterial agent Prontosil, a sulfonamide. He used this agent to treat his own daughter, preventing her from an arm amputation. He won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1939.

5VoEr TIL that FIFA funded a movie about the origins of FIFA itself, called "United Passions". It was also a major box-office bomb, losing $26.8 million worldwide, and is considered to be one of the worst films of all time
wWXP TIL a Brazilian footballer staged his whole career for 24 years - he could barely kick a ball. One time he was forced to play as the team had no strikers. He was worried he would get exposed, so before the game he started a fight with a fan and as a result got sent off before the game even started.
wLEdo TIL that blue eyes don’t have blue pigment and are instead blue for the same reason that water and the sky are blue: they scatter light so that only blue light reflects out
EmbP TIL Jan Demczur, a window washer working in the World Trade Center on 9/11, became trapped in an elevator in between floors after the first plane hit. Using his sqeegee to pry open the doors, he then broke through the drywall and led the passengers out of the building moments before it collapsed.
dgjQ TIL diamonds are not actually rare and are only expensive because the De Beers group owns 90% of the diamond supply and keeps the supply in the market low to keep prices high. They invented the idea that diamonds are an old human tradition for marriage in the 1930s to sell to the American market.