› added 4 years ago


TIL that the colors of the barber pole are red, white, and blue to represent the medieval role of barbers. The red represents the blood from bloodletting, the blue represents the vein that was cut, and the white represents the bandage. It spins to represents the blood flowing down.

X0aWP TIL tardigrades, also known as water bears, are among the most resilient creatures on Earth? They can survive temperatures as low as -272°C (-458°F) and as high as 150°C (302°F), pressures six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, and even the vacuum of space.
Q0QM TIL that in the strictest sense only English, Spanish and French are considered world languages
Wkev8 TIL Scientists managed to edit human embryos, freeing them from a piece of faulty DNA which caused a deadly heart disease that ran in families. The embryos were allowed to develop for 5 days before they stopped the experiment.
0r6p TIL in 2006 over a 1000 toads swelled up to 3 times their size and exploded with no apparent reason, causing panic at the possibility of a new virus. The real reason? Local crows had figured out how to peck out the frog’s highly nutritious liver while avoiding their poisonous skin
R74N9 TIL about Maroons, enslaved Africans who quickly escaped in the countries they were brought to and often joined indigenous populations to form warrior tribes with their own complex language, war and living cultures. Many Maroon warfare tactics have been co-opted into global army training today.