› added 5 years ago


TIL Hungary sent 346 men to help the Finns in the Winter War against the Soviets, but after the long and complicated journey, the Moscow Peace Treaty was signed before they saw combat.

paWG TIL Ringo Starr was reluctant to accept the role of the narrator on “Thomas & Friends” because he thought kids would be more interested in “dinosaurs with lasers.”
woE76 TIL that the bridge explosion scene in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" was done the first time without any cameras rolling, and director Sergio Leone, after realizing the mistake told his crew "Let's go eat". The crew built the bridge again the next day.
YpD9v TIL that after discovering Jupiter's intense radiation belt , NASA needed a last minute fix to shield the exterior cables of the Voyager deep space probes. They sent a technician to the local supermarket, bought all of the kitchen grade aluminum foil, and wrapped it around the cables.
eQl6 TIL That in 2004, police discovered a secret underground cinema with professionally installed electricity, phone lines, full bar, classic movies and recent thrillers, and more in the catacombs under paris. Upon returning 3 days later, a note was found that read “Do not try to find us”
XEapX TIL some women have superhuman vision, seeing 100 million colors due to the genetic mutation: tetrachromacy. The rest of us see 1% or less of that. They see 100x variations in color that appear the same to everyone else. A path of dull grey stones may look like a glittering jewellery box to them