› added 5 years ago


TIL Although prohibition ended in 1933, there are still 18 million Americans who live in "dry counties" where it's illegal to buy alcohol

D1aVY TIL: Warren Buffett won a $1 million dollar bet against a hedge fund, he bet that a simple index fund (S&P 500) would outperform a collection of hedge funds over the course of 10 years. He donated the money to charity.
gMb6X TIL Jackie Chan owns a house
6En6Y We’ve been conditioned to think of Covid-19 as a respiratory disease—but it’s not just about the lungs. Evidence is emerging that the coronavirus can cause heart damage in people who’ve had mild symptoms or none at all, especially if those people exercise while they’re infected. If you've just had Covid—even if you didn't have symptoms—you need to be aware of myocarditis. That’s cardiologist-speak for what happens when the muscular walls of the heart become inflamed, weakening the organ and making it more difficult for it to pump blood. It’s not a newly discovered condition, and it turns up pretty rarely, but when it does, it’s most often triggered by an infection. Strenuous activity while the heart is weakened can cause swelling in the legs, dizziness, shortness of breath, and—in serious cases—irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrest, and sudden death.
8e7L8 TIL in 2005 the US Navy conducted a test called SinkEx on how an enemy might sink one of its Supercarriers could. After four weeks of firing, the carrier remained and had to be sunk by hand-placed explosives
d8dL9 TIL studies have found coffee drinkers (those who drink 3-5 cups per day) have a more “efficient” brain than those who don't drink coffee. MRI scans found coffee drinkers have quicker connectivity in the cerebellum, the right precuneus, and the right insular.