› added 3 years ago


TIL about the Uncombable Hair Syndrome(UHS), a disease that, as its name says, makes the hair of people impossible to comb, due to the triangular shape of the hair shaft.

vg6L TIL that in 1976, a Soviet pilot defected to Japan in his advanced MiG-25 fighter, which Russia demanded be returned. Japan complied, but only after allowing American engineers to examine the aircraft. Japan then shipped it back piece by piece, and billed Russia $40,000 in transport and labor costs.
M7oKW TIL: In the first half of the nineteenth century, thousands of black Americans fled from slavery and prejudice. They sailed to West Africa, and 1847 founded the nation of Liberia: a black ethnostate meant to be a haven for African Americans.
Wk8R9 TIL over 200 years after the HMS Bounty sank due to a mutiny led by Fletcher Christian, a reconstruction of the same ship sank, taking the life of Claudene Christian, a descendant of Fletcher.
AJ6n TIL Kent made the film The Babadook with the intent of addressing the fear of going mad during motherhood, “Now, I’m not saying we all want to go and kill our kids, but a lot of women struggle. And it is a very taboo subject, to say that motherhood is anything but a perfect experience for women.”
wLYjJ TIL of Jeremiah Hamilton, 19th Century New York's notorious African-American, Wall Street millionaire. Blacklisted by the city's insurance firms and Public Stock Exchange, he went on to amass a fortune of $250 million in today's money and was known as the biggest single rival to the Vanderbilts.