› added 3 years ago


TIL That there is a distinct variety of mosquito that's evolved to live in the London Underground - unlike its above-ground counterpart, it doesn't hibernate and feeds mostly on human blood, rather than bird

Zp4ZR TIL Research shows that experiencing chronic loneliness is as bad for our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and worse than obesity. It’s associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, and increases our likelihood of early mortality by 26 per cent.
Yp4ov TIL during the Korean War, a cut-off Marine Division ordered a supply drop of mortars (code name: tootsie rolls) but were sent the chocolate candy by mistake. They melted the candy down to a putty and used it to repair piping on damaged tanks, which they then used to escape to safety
vPB18 TIL of the view that the response to the "Year 2000 problem" was indeed an overreaction, as evidenced by countries such as South Korea and Russia who invested little to nothing in Y2K remediation having the same negligible Y2K problems as countries that spent enormous sums of money
g7G8 TIL time was divided into seconds and minutes and the circle into three hundred sixty degrees by the same society that invented written language and the wheel.
BrAEk TIL that astrology was scientifically proven inaccurate on accident. This was done with a medical study called “time twins” that was carried out in London in 1958, with over 2000 subjects, examining over 100 different characteristics including anxiety, IQ, etc. in individuals born in the same month.