› added 3 years ago


TIL of baby boxes - heated boxes in south Seoul for parents to anonymously leave their abandoned new-born children inside. Most who abandon their babies are mothers who are unwed or victims of sexual violence. These baby boxes have saved thousands of abandoned babies since 2009.

4XWN6 TIL that the Black Sabbath hit "Fairies wear boots" is not in fact about Fairies, but about Skinheads
5YjKP TIL that while productions of the ballet Swan Lake mostly use the original coreography, almost every version staged contains a different ending, ranging from very romantic to darkly tragic
J1Rxk TIL that the distinct sound of John Bonham's drums on Zeppelin's, When the Levee Breaks had little to do with the grandeur of the three-story stone structure Headley Grange where they recorded. The sound engineer Andy Johns incorporated a delay device - Binson Echorec - to achieve the echo effect.
4XnbJ TIL Screenwriter Shane Black's original title for The Last Boy Scout was Die Hard, but Producer Joel Silver asked if he could use the title for a movie he was working on called Nothing Lasts Forever. Black agreed and Nothing Last Forever became Die Hard and Die Hard became The Last Boy Scout
YpNJd TIL about the "London Necropolis Railway", a railway line opened in 1854 just to carry corpses (and mourners) to a cemetery (at the time the largest in the world) 37km away from the city. There were even two stations in the cemetery, one for the Anglicans and one for non-Anglicans.